Ultra Chem Neutralizer Acidic Rinse For Floor Preparations

Ultra Chem Neutralizer Acidic Rinse For Floor Preparations

Item # UC-1070-1-CG

  • Ideal choice for an environmentally preferable, high performance acidic rinse for floor finish preparation.
  • UCL Approved GREEN
  • Food Grade Acid Technology
Gal., 4/cs
Your Discounted Cost:
Pack: 4/CS

A safe, versatile eco preferable acidic rinse product comprised of two natural food grade acids. Neutralizer utilizes these food grade acids to safely neutralize the effect of the stripping process leaving your floors in prime condition for floor finish application. Neutralizer will also outperform various hazardous chemicals such as hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids, as well as neutralize malodor odors and harsh residues left behind from previous users.